VDAY Monochromatic (Red)
Our Monochromatic collection works per color palette and is a composition of ONE color. We assemble a bouquet/vase arrangement in that color and in your budget.
All wrapped bouquets come with a bag & handwritten note. All wrapped bouquets 24 stems+ come with a FLEUR bag, water container and handwritten note. All vase arrangements come in a ceramic vase and box for transport (if needbe)
There is no standard look or size, each bouquet/arrangement will be unique and different. Shown are examples of our sizes. There is no standard bouquet/arrangement, each piece will be unique and different.
Our Monochromatic collection works per color palette and is a composition of ONE color. We assemble a bouquet/vase arrangement in that color and in your budget.
All wrapped bouquets come with a bag & handwritten note. All wrapped bouquets 24 stems+ come with a FLEUR bag, water container and handwritten note. All vase arrangements come in a ceramic vase and box for transport (if needbe)
There is no standard look or size, each bouquet/arrangement will be unique and different. Shown are examples of our sizes. There is no standard bouquet/arrangement, each piece will be unique and different.
Our Monochromatic collection works per color palette and is a composition of ONE color. We assemble a bouquet/vase arrangement in that color and in your budget.
All wrapped bouquets come with a bag & handwritten note. All wrapped bouquets 24 stems+ come with a FLEUR bag, water container and handwritten note. All vase arrangements come in a ceramic vase and box for transport (if needbe)
There is no standard look or size, each bouquet/arrangement will be unique and different. Shown are examples of our sizes. There is no standard bouquet/arrangement, each piece will be unique and different.